Student Learning

Brentwood Secondary College is a vibrant learning community where all students are supported and encouraged to achieve success and to pursue excellence. Our guiding philosophy is the belief that all students learn best when they are happy, healthy and resilient. Our purpose is to ensure that every student is provided with every opportunity to achieve their potential.  A Brentwood education will provide all students with the opportunity to develop their talents, to nurture a passion and to grow in confidence about their future.  Every student will be supported in their intellectual, emotional, social and physical development by a highly professional group of teachers and education support staff.  

Our collective Vision for Learning encapsulates the way in which we work together and the common goals we aspire to. Further to this, our Values for Learning; Creativity, Curiosity, Discipline, Reflection and Resilience underpin both the design and delivery of all learning programs across the college. 

To learn more how the school delivers its curriculum, reviews curriculum and teaching practices, assesses and reports student learning please read our Curriculum Framework provided here.  

To learn more about Assessment and Reporting of student learning at the College a parent guide has been created which can be accessed here. 

2023 Assessment Schedules

Please follow the 3 links below to see what Areas of Study your child will be covering in their learning for each of their subjects this Semester and a brief description of the type of assessment they will be required to undertake for each. Please note that this is a ‘live’ document and is subject to change we encourage parents to engage with it regularly to assist you in supporting your child with their learning.
– Year 7 Assessment Schedule 2023
– Year 8 Assessment Schedule 2023
– Year 9 – 12 Assessment Schedule 2023

Brentwood Secondary College Enrichment Program

Students entering Brentwood Secondary College at Year 7 in 2023 have the opportunity to apply for a place in the Curriculum Enrichment Program. This program is offered to year 7 students who demonstrate academic skills above those of their peer group. Year 7 students in the program undertake the same core subjects as the rest of the year level, in addition to further enrichment and in-depth studies of the curriculum. There is a greater emphasis on higher order thinking skills, as well as independent learning and research. Students in the enrichment program will also be expected to engage in extension activities through academic competitions, excursions and school-based activities. Participation in the program is dependent on students continuing to satisfy criteria reflecting the college values for learning and community.  

The enrichment program will:  

  • accelerate the pace of learning in all subjects and add a broader range of enriching experiences  
  • implement programs that are consistent with the Victorian Curriculum  
  • eliminate repetition  
  • limit practice of already mastered skills  
  • ensure higher order thinking is an integral process in student learning  
  • make provision for in-depth study  
  • be culturally inclusive, and affirm students’ cultural and linguistic backgrounds  
  • include provision for the continuation of appropriate EAL and other support, where required  
  • ensure that accelerated learning leaves no significant gaps in a student’s knowledge, skills, behaviours and understandings.  

Two dedicated classes comprise students who have been selected for the enrichment program, one studies German language and the other Japanese language. The program runs as a dedicated ASPIRE group for the same group of students for three years. Students will be expected to study language until at least the end of year 9.